Behind Fashion Curator

A look into the styles I offer.

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About the Curator

Hi, I'm Analysse and this is my ode to vintage...

I have always loved vintage. My high school memories are punctuated with trips to luxury vintage boutiques near and far. More than a decade and a career in retail and styling later, this hasn’t changed. 

Sourcing vintage is a unique surprise every time. I love the thrill of the hunt for an exceptional piece and the surge of emotion that follows when I find each piece. 

It’s this entire journey that makes vintage so rich in story. And when vintage becomes a part of your wardrobe, you become a part of its story.

I started Fashion Curator because I wanted to renew your experience with vintage. Most people overlook it, but vintage embodies a beautiful duality: it’s lived in, but also luxurious. It’s iconic, but also inimitable. It’s the past, but also the future.

Fashion Curator brings you the best of both. As a curator and creative stylist, I want to make it easy for you to embrace vintage by showing you how to mix it within your contemporary wardrobe.

Vintage doesn’t have to look like a forlorn outfit that leaped out of the 50’s. Every vintage find I curate, or client look I create, reflects elegance that doesn’t feel out of place in our present day. And because you deserve a mood-lifting experience, securing vintage finds from Fashion Curator is a luxury of its own: think gift-worthy packaging, including a lavender-scented satchel that makes for a treat-yourself moment!

It’s my vision that you eventually find purchasing vintage as inspiring, if not more delightful, as brand-new clothing. 

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for perusing Fashion Curator’s collections and taking part in this ode to vintage.

Yours in style,
